Innitial Steps And First Lessons

  • 21st Oct 2024
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  • 2 min read
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  • Tags: 
  • Management

My journey into the world of management began when I co-founded Attentive, a tech company. As someone who has always been deeply engrossed in the technical side of things, I had a crystal-clear vision about how I wanted to construct and develop our products and services. However, during my stint at Attentive, I was thrown into the deep end and had to learn the art of delegation, often through trial and error.

The process of delegation was a significant learning curve for me. For instance, I had to give up my habit of micromanaging every detail and instead trust my team members to carry out their roles effectively. I learned to invest in their skills and abilities, and to respect their unique perspectives and ideas. It was through this process that I realized the value of diversity in thought and approach in building a successful business.


Once I embraced delegation, I began to see a transformation. I observed that different ideas from varied perspectives could indeed enhance our products and services. I also found that the company's overall environment improved as a result of people feeling more empowered. This was a clear indicator that the delegation was not only beneficial for my personal growth as a leader but also for the overall growth of the company.

In retrospect, I understand that my journey has been about more than just technical expertise or having a clear vision. It has been about learning to leverage the full potential of my team and appreciating the value that each individual brings to the table. It has been about understanding that leadership is as much about listening to and incorporating other's ideas as it is about providing direction and vision.

Upcoming topics cover various leadership aspects namely the importance of transparency and empathy.